This made the Landing Craft powerful during invasions. The C-9979 Craft can also carry Vulture Droids, Hyena Bombers, 1 CIS Shuttle, and 1 Confederate Outpost. The Separatist Landing Craft can also carry 11 Multi-Troop Transports, 144 Armored Assault Tanks, 38 Platoon Attack Crafts, 900 STAPs, and many other droid tanks such as: Corporate Alliance Tank Droids, and Dwarf Spider Droids. B1 Battle Droids are usually in the front of the doors so when they open, they can march out and march. The CIS Landing Craft can carry many Battle Droids and other tanks. The C-9979 Landing Craft is manned by Driver Battle Droids or OOM Security Battle Droid. The Command Center has one chair for a T-series tactical droid, a Super Tactical Droid, a OOM Commander Battle Droid, or a biological officer such as Grievous. The CIS Landing Craft's command center is located in the front of the ship. This also meant the craft has to be escorted by Droid Fighters when landing.

Since the ship is mainly a landing craft, it only carried,4 wing tipped laser cannons, and 4 Turret-mounted cannons. The CIS Landing Craft doesn't have that many weapons. Some CIS Landing Crafts were painted different colors so they could be in camo. When the Trade Federation joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the C-9979 Landing Craft was sold to the Confederacy and were painted blue and grey instead of brown. The C-9979 Landing Craft or commonly known as the CIS Landing Craft ( Separatist Landing Craft) is a landing craft used for the Trade Federation during the Pre-Clone Wars era. Template:Eraicon/canon Template:Eraicon Template:Eraicon Template:Eraicon Template:Eraicon Template:Eraicon Template:Eraicon Template:Eraicon Template:Eraicon Template:Eraicon Template:Eraicon Template:Eraicon Template:Eraicon Template:Eraicon/check Template:Eraicon/check Template:Eraicon/check Template:Eraicon/check Template:Eraicon/check Template:Eraicon/check Template:Eraicon/check Template:Eraicon/check Template:Eraicon/check Template:Eraicon/check Template:Eraicon/check Template:Eraicon/check Template:Eraicon/check Template:Eraicon/check Template:Eraicon/check